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So who is this guy, anyway?

Composer, writer, artist, voice actor.

I picked up my first instrument at 12 years old. From there, it snowballed into various musical projects which have continued ever since. To that end, I've been fortunate to contribute to 12 albums over the years, mostly on bass, guitar, and vocals. There's no doubt in my mind that I'll continue writing music until the wheels fall off, and that's the main reason I put this website together.

In 2014, a group of friends and I began working on an audiodrama called A Beginner's Guide To Interplanetary Destruction, which then led to the creation of our own podcast network, CalamityCast. This gave me a taste of voice acting, and also allowed me to delve into the world of creative/script writing. Building worlds, developing characters, and collaborating with others to make sure the pieces all fit together was exhilarating.

My musical background has always meant that I'm tuned into TV and film soundtracks, and it was during the writing and recording of ABGTID that I first got to stretch my legs regarding musical scoring. I was immediately hooked. After all, music can change the way we experience a story through swelling strings, staccato horns, and pounding percussion. It can amplify emotions, or serve as a thoughtful juxtaposition.

Although it eventually took a backseat to my musical endeavors, visual art was actually my first love (specifically pencil drawing). My dad was and still is an incredible artist, so it was easy as a child to watch him create something and think, "I want to do that, too!" in the way that children so often do when looking up to their parents.  Lately, I've been dipping my toes back into the world of visual art through watercolor painting. It's an interesting philosophical exercise, as it forces me to be flexible with my creation, not knowing how various blends will turn out. But that's also part of the fun - letting go, and just seeing where the water takes the paint.

Originally hailing from the Midwestern United States, I currently live between here and there, gallivanting around the world in my search for the perfect burrito, and trying not to take myself too seriously with middling success.

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